Let's help save 2D animation!

"The US once led the world in traditional, hand-drawn 2D animation.

American artists, animators and filmmakers here were second to none. Now there is no
longer any 2D animation industry to speak of anywhere in the entire country! This
is not true for the rest of the world however, where groundbreaking, innovative and artistically inspirational 2D animated films are still being made.

merican 2D-ers could do this too of course. But they are given absolutely no encouragement or opportunity to do so. So I believe its time to fight back!

In addition to classroom teaching, creating this online store and writing comprehensive textbooks which should all enable committed students to study traditional 2D animation
again, I am also setting-up a new non-profit entity that will hopefully encourage indie 2D animation production in the USA again.

So p
lease support me in all this by purchasing whatever you can from our 'ANIMATION IS DRAWSOME' store. All proceeds will go towards the effort of bringing top-quality, 2D animation back to America!

thank you for any support you can give, big or small!"

ith animated wishes...

Tony White
.  :)